Paragon Physiotherapy is located in the lower level of the Clarion Hotel, right by Polo Park Shopping Centre!

Parking can be found inside the hotel's parkade, or on the street in front of the Clarion Hotel, Eastway.

When you enter the hotel, proceed up the steps to the elevators just past the check-in desks. Take the elevator down to the Lower Level (LL).
Once you exit the elevator, turn right, and then turn left down the hallway. Follow the signage down the hall towards the Gym. Turn right into the Gym entrance, and you will find Paragon Physiotherapy to your left!

If you have any trouble finding our clinic, feel free to call 204-421-9177 and we will direct you. We look forward to seeing you at Paragon Physiotherapy!

Paragon Physiotherapy

1445 Portage Ave, Winnipeg, MB, R3G 3P4

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